
Monday, 27 October 2014


Do you remember that feeling of going into a shop and looking for a new book?
Do you remember the excitement of leafing through bookshelf after bookshelf waiting for the right book to show itself ?
Or those moments where you go into an old book store and you can appreciate that feeling, that smell of all those books just waiting for you to buy/borrow them?
Do your children remember that feeling ? Do they even know that feeling ?

Most of you will remember Borders.
One of few places left that you can go into find a comfy seat, or sit in their cafe and read a variety of the books they sell.
Most modern day children probably don't remember Borders, most kids nowadays walk past its similar store, Waterstones and have probably never set foot inside its doors.
Have probably never browsed it's shelf's of adventures and information.

Yet they have probably sat at home, maybe cuddled up with an  Ipad or a kindle and browsed hundreds of books with a swipe of their finger for something that catches their eye. Then with a simple click they have it in front of them.

Its easy to see the appeal of staying at home still wrapped in a blanket or sitting in a nice warm house browsing hundreds of books with a simple swipe, but is it really what modern kids need nowadays ?
More technology ?

Photographs = All online
Essays = All online
Gaming = All online
Communication = All online
Books = ?

Whats your thoughts ?

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